Welding Curtain Rolls Custom

Welding Curtain Rolls Custom

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Precio habitual $85.00 $0.00

Ships in 3 - 5 Business days.


vendor : Steel Guard Safety

Product Type : Welding Safety Equipment

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 Welding Curtain Rolls Custom - DIY

  • Choose A Variety of Materials - 14 Mil Weldview Transparent, 20 & 40 Mil Clear, 12 oz Canvas or 14 oz Vinyl
  • Certified Flame Retardant Meeting NFPA-701 and CFM Standards
  • Excellent for Robotic Welding Cells, and DIY Stick Welding Areas to Block Sparks, and Weld Flash
  • Optional Lengths, Widths, Colors and Also #2 Grommet Placement
  • Made in the USA

Looking for a way to create welding and grinding shields quickly and easily? Look no further than our welding curtain rolls! These handy rolls can be cut to your desired length, and come with grommets every 12" for easy hanging. Whether you're looking to enclose a work cell, robotic welding cell, or single-sided curtain, these rolls are perfect for the job. Not to mention, they're an ideal solution for welding stations where curtains are needed to provide protection from flying sparks. So don't wait any longer, get your hands on our welding curtain rolls today!Need Different Size Rolls?

 Ships in 3 -5 Business Days

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