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Ergodeck Modular Anti Fatigue Floor

Ergodeck Modular Anti Fatigue Floor

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Precio habitual $41.99

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SKU : SM 564-7 -1

vendor : Wearwell

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Ergodeck Floor Tiles

The Perfect Modular Anti-fatigue Raised Floor System 

  • Available in Open Grid, Closed Grid, and Textured Grit
  • Tiles Dim: L-18" x W-18" x H-7/8" Thick 
  • Ramp Edge Dim: L-18" x W-6" x H-7/8" Thick
  • Corner Edge Dim: L-15" x W-15" x H-7/8" Thick
  • Positive Interlocking System Prevents Separation
  • Made from Recycled Urethane Sponge
  • Designed fro DRY(Closed Grid) or WET(Open Grid) Areas,
  • 7/8 in or 1 in Thick for Comfort, Recovery, and Long Life.
  • Machined Beveled Edges Prevent Tripping Hazard
  • Color Options in Black, Gray, or Yellow or Black Bordering
The ErgoDeck Flooring General Purpose (GP) is the perfect solution for medium duty environments where comfort and stability are a must. This more resilient version of the original ErgoDeck Heavy-Duty is specifically designed to increase worker productivity. The combination of the softer compound (in a 68 durometer) and the Flex-points on the underside provide flexibility underfoot long-term comfort.

Looking for a mat that can cover large areas and stay in place? Look no further than ErgoDeck GP! These tiles are available in either a solid or open design, and with or without GritShield for added traction. The newest addition to the line, ErgoDeck Diamond Plate GP, offers all the same great benefits with the added bonus of an improvement in appearance. No matter which option you choose, you'll be getting a mat that is durable, easy to clean, and perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.

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